New York, NY (December 19, 2022)—What a year, huh? The pro-audio industry came back from the height of the pandemic ready to blow the doors off of 2022, and that’s exactly what happened. Studios welcomed unmasked sessions once again, big products came out every month, trade shows found their feet, and the concert/live event sector was absolutely exploding from February onwards. On the other hand, we also faced heavy inflation, drastic staffing shortages in live sound and the never-ending problem of supply chain issues. You can’t have it all.
Nonetheless, it’s hard to tell 2022 “don’t let the door hit ya on the way out,” because there were so many satisfying highpoints! Seeing crowds pack the concert venues once again was a thrill, regardless of whether you were working or in the crowd. Hearing fantastic new music cooked up during lockdown by modern-day artists and old-school favorites—and watching those releases fly up the charts—was a treat. Watching the pro-audio industry unleash some incredible new tools as supply chain issues eased (somewhat) and live sound got back on the road made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. No question, 2022 was one for the record books.
All that is now behind us, but the holiday season is always a time of reflection, so sit back, pour yourself a tall glass of something cold (except non-dairy, gluten-free, vegan, butterscotch eggnog; don’t do that to yourself) and join us as we look back at our most popular articles of 2022. According to Google Analytics, these were our most-read news stories, reviews, blog posts, profiles and interviews of the year, so this Top-20 was chosen by YOU, our readers.
We’ll see you tomorrow with Mix’s Top 20 Articles of 2022, Part 2!
20. Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099 – A Real-World Review (09/22/2021)
By Mike Levine. Audio pro Mike Levine takes a deep dive into the Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099 plug-in in this Real-World Review.
19. Lisa Roy Remembered (01/04/2022)
By Tom Kenny. Most of you won’t recognize the name in the headline, but a great many of you will. The professional audio, recording and music industries lost a true treasure with the passing of Lisa Roy, a day before the new year.
18. Classic Tracks: Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like The Wolf” (08/08/2022)
By Robyn Flans. Duran Duran’s Nick Rhodes and legendary producer David Kershenbaum share how they hot-rodded “Hungry Like The Wolf”—and half the Rio album—to appeal to American radio.
17. Meyer Sound Introduces Flagship PANTHER Line Array (01/31/2022)
Meyer Sound has introduced PANTHER, its new flagship linear line array, designed to be a compact, lightweight, energy-efficient loudspeaker system for touring, live events and installed sound.