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FixIt: ‘Addams Family’ Engineer Nevin Steinberg

We are addicted to “auto-update” for our cueing. The show has nearly 200 cues in the [DiGiCo SD7] desk, so we couldn’t imagine tracking through all the changes we make at any given moment.

We are addicted to “auto-update” for our cueing. The show has nearly 200 cues in the [DiGiCo SD7] desk, so we couldn’t imagine tracking through all the changes we make at any given moment. The workflow doesn’t stop; we just grab a knob and keep going. We make a ton of input delay time changes, sometimes even within a scene, and auto-update’s smart handling of various control points allows us an intuitive and transparent use of this feature. Aliases are another big component of our toolset, and we use them extensively for alternative input/output routing or special EQ or dynamics processing tracking. The console macros are also very useful—both for big gestures like full console muting and small ones like choosing alternate inputs for emergency backup microphones. We make good use of 24 control groups on this show for high-resolution active control of the orchestra mix.
