Roland’s SA-300 features a full-range, high-quality stereo 2.1-channel sound, sturdy construction, built-in effects, advanced anti-feedback control, two-piece transportability, loads of I/O options, and is compatible with microphones, rhythm machines, guitars, keyboards and CD players.
Light weight and feature-packed, the SA-300 is powered by an internal 350W amplifier, which drives a stereo pair of high-performance 6.5-inch speakers; a 200W amp drives the 12-inch woofer unit for bottom-end support. A 4-channel mixer is built in, with each channel equipped with a stereo and mic input. (Channels 3 and 4 are phantom-powered.) The SA-300 also offers an anti-feedback function, dedicated vocal effects, a low-boost switch and stereo reverb.
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