Digidesign announced the new Pro Tools® LE Factory and BLUEFactory bundles and factory hardware exchanges. The LE Factory bundlesinclude an Mbox, a Digi 002 Rack or a Digi 002 with up to more than$2,000 worth of Bomb Factory plug-ins—additional to those thatalready ship with all regular Pro Tools systems. Owners of current LEsystems also have the option of saving by exchanging their currentsystem for a Factory system.
The newest members of the Pro Tools LE family, the LE Factorybundles offer a complete set of professional plug-ins right out of thebox. The bundles’ Bomb Factory components make up an impressiveselection of professional plug-in options. Combined with the BombFactory, Digidesign and Music Production Enhancement Suite plug-ins andsoftware tools that all Pro Tools systems include, each LE Factorybundle comprises a self-contained, full-featured studio.
Mbox Factory systems include an Mbox system (hardware and software),pre-authorized iLok Key, moogerfooger Analog Delay by Bomb Factory, JoeMeek SC2 Compressor by Bomb Factory, Joe Meek VC5 Meequalizer by BombFactory, Cosmonaut Voice by Bomb Factory and Maxim by Digidesign.
Digi 002 Rack Factory and Digi 002 Factory systems include Digi 002Rack or Digi 002 system (hardware and software), pre-authorized iLokKey, Bomb Factory BF-3A, moogerfooger Ring Modulator by Bomb Factory,moogerfooger Analog Delay by Bomb Factory, SansAmp PSA-1 by BombFactory, Cosmonaut Voice by Bomb Factory, Joe Meek SC2 Compressor byBomb Factory, Joe Meek VC5 Meequalizer by Bomb Factory, Tel-RayVariable Delay by Bomb Factory, Voce® Spin by Bomb Factory andVoce Chorus/Vibrato by Bomb Factory.
For users who already own a Pro Tools LE system but wish to purchasethe Factory bundle plug-ins, Digidesign offers an LE Factoryplug-in-only bundle to all existing registered Pro Tools LE ownersthrough June 15, 2004. Those plug-in bundles can be purchased through adealer or Digidesign’s online DigiStore. (A valid system serialnumber will be required if purchased through the DigiStore.)
For a limited time, those who would like to take advantage of a promicrophone solution for their personal studio can purchase a Pro ToolsLE BLUE Factory bundle from April 1, 2004, through June 30, 2004. Totalsavings add up to nearly $1,500 with the Mbox BLUE Factory bundle, andmore than $1,900 with the Digi 002 Rack or Digi 002 BLUE Factorybundles.
The Digi 002/Digi 002 Rack Hardware Exchange program provides theopportunity for registered owners of Digi 001, Mbox or DigiToolBox/Audiomedia III to exchange up to a 96 kHz-capable,FireWire-based 002 Factory system. Visit www.digidesign.com/exchange for details on thesevarious offers.