The Academy® and Emmy® Award-winning Soundmaster IONoperating environment extends the existing System 5 functionality toseamlessly integrate up to 16 devices on a point-to-point basis,providing motion control, direct synchronization and record (bias)control over serial, parallel and bi-phase units. The ION touch screenuser interface is totally programmable facilitating its use in allpost-production applications.
The interoperability of Soundmaster ION and System 5 is easilyfacilitated by the open architecture of the System 5. The System 5 403film module can accommodate the ION touch screen giving the operatoreasy access to powerful machine control, track arming andsynchronization on the surface of the console. The Euphonix 403 ismodular so that the position of the screen, pec/direct switches andjoysticks can be changed to suit operator preferences.
Martin Kloiber, EVP Technology for Euphonix commented, “Due tothe overwhelming acceptance of Soundmaster ION in major film and poststudios, we are very happy to be able to provide this option for ourclients. The Soundmaster system’s flexibility and proven reliability inthe film and video world makes the integration of the System 5 andSoundmaster ION a very professional and powerful tool for any film andpost studio.”
Bob Predovich, chairman and CEO for Soundmaster Group commented,”Euphonix and Soundmaster already have many mutual clients, clearlydemonstrating how well the products complement each other. Given thevirtual nature of our touch screen technology, we are very excitedabout the future prospects that can ensue as a result of the physicalintegration that Euphonix is announcing today.”
Soundmaster Group is on the Web at http://www.soundmaster.com.