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Electronic music pioneer Jean Michel Jarre recently added an SSL AWS 948 hybrid console/controller to his private JMJ Studio facility.

Paris, France (May 6, 2014)—Electronic music pioneer Jean Michel Jarre recently added an SSL AWS 948 hybrid console/controller to his private JMJ Studio facility.

Over the years, Jarre, a long-time user of SSL equipment, has sold over 80 million recordings and achieved record-breaking attendance at live shows (3.5 million in Moscow; 2.5 million in Paris), while producing a constant stream of projects featuring new creative directions. “Early on, I had a massive SSL G-Series console that eventually gave way to a controller, but I was never really happy with the controller direction,” he says. “I decided to go back to the more noble way of recording and purchased the AWS 948.

“The console is a true analogue console with real, great sounding preamps and a platform where I can record and mix through analogue processing. I also get the best workflow for both analogue and DAW situations with the console. The AWS 948 is so much more rewarding to work with than a controller.”

Jarre is in the process of creating a new, in his words, “fairly ambitious double-album project,” and the AWS is front and center, supporting the effort. “The AWS made a noticeable difference in sound quality from the controller I had been using with Pro Tools. Putting them side by side, the sound of the AWS was immediately warmer and crystal clear. I create many of my tracks with synthesizers going directly into the AWS and the sound quality was superior to that of the controller. I feel like I am sonically real with the AWS and that it helps me to achieve the sound I am looking for.”

Jarre has booked several soundtrack projects and works with friends on their productions. “The technician and sound engineer working with me full-time noticed that when anybody enters the studio and sees the AWS and the SSL name, they are immediately confident,” he says. “But what they really like [are] the results.”

Solid State Logic
