Founded in 1984 by Barry Schrader and nine other composers, SEAMUS,the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States, has growninto a national organization of more than 500 members. SEAMUS promoteselectro-acoustic music through its national conferences, publications,Website (pictured) and CD series. Each November, the society sponsorsElectro-Acoustic Music Month, an international celebration featuringconcerts organized by members throughout the world.
Annually, the society presents the SEAMUS Lifetime AchievementAward, which acknowledges those who have made major contributions tothe field; past awards have been made to such luminaries as VladimirUssachevsky, Louis and Bebe Barron, Robert Moog and Les Paul. Workingwith ASCAP, SEAMUS also presents the yearly ASCAP/SEAMUS StudentCommission to recognize young talent.
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