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SNS’ globalSANS Debuts at NAB 2004

Studio Network Solutions® (SNS) recently welcomed globalSAN™ to its family of shared storage networking solutions during its official introduction at the 2004 NAB show in Las Vegas.

Studio Network Solutions® (SNS) recently welcomedglobalSAN™ to its family of shared storage networking solutionsduring its official introduction at the 2004 NAB show in Las Vegas.Built on the company’s new iSANmp™ volume sharing software,the iSCSI-based globalSAN product is the perfect solution forfacilities that require a significant upgrade in networkingperformance, but do not have the budget for a full-blown Fibre ChannelSAN or point to point WAN connectivity. iSCSI is an IP-based storagenetworking standard that enables rapid and efficient transport ofblock-level I/O data over high-speed Ethernet. globalSAN works withboth Windows and Mac OS X systems and is the first such productavailable to Mac users.

“globalSAN is a natural extension to our existing line of A/VSAN PRO™ Fibre Channel-based storage solutions,” statedEric Newbauer, Director of Operations for SNS. “This product isbuilt on a combination of new and existing technologies and providesusers with the best of both worlds by offering capabilities similar toa traditional SAN but over an infrastructure that is basically anEthernet network. Most multi-workstation facilities that don’thave Fibre Channel currently rely on their Ethernet network forfile-sharing. They will be more likely to adopt new technology such asglobalSAN, because they won’t necessarily have to abandon theirentire existing network.”

To bring globalSAN to life required the creation of an iSCSIinitiator — a non-trivial piece of software that was previouslyunavailable for OS X. SNS has included their new initiator, as well asiSCSI support, into its existing SANmp™ volume sharing softwarefor Fibre Channel storage networks. However, SNS has concurrentlyannounced iSANmp™, a less expensive iSCSI-only version ofSANmp.

Studio Network Solutions’ globalSAN iSCSI product offers acost-effective pathway towards achieving performance nearing that ofFibre Channel. Internet SCSI (iSCSI) is an IETF (Internet EngineeringTask Force) approved standard protocol for encapsulating SCSI commandsinto TCP/IP packets and enabling I/O block data transport over IPnetworks. globalSAN employs iSCSI to enable an IP-based Storage AreaNetwork. The easy-to-use, yet powerful technology enables a high-speed,lower-cost storage solution that is capable of spanning nearly anystable IP network. When a business needs to grow into a traditionalFibre Channel system, it can start with globalSAN and integrate FibreChannel at a later date. Additionally, globalSAN is Kerberos-ready andwill support up to 10 Gigabit Ethernet. Kerberos is a networkauthentication protocol designed to provide strong authentication byusing secret-key cryptography.

“We believe that globalSAN will have a significant impact onthe digital imaging, broadcast, production and post-productionmarkets,” says Holladay. “globalSAN will become anindispensable link between digital artists and their data, helping tousher in powerful new workflow models to these industries.”

Studio Network Solutions is a storage technology companyspecializing in products and services for the entertainment industries.Founded in 1998, SNS has become a premier provider of storage areanetworking products and technologies for real-world media production.For more information, please visit
