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The State of Recording

This is an expanded version of the "State of Recording" cover story found in the October, 2012 issue of Pro Sound News. Once upon...


Krall’s Doll Rocks The Box

Nearly 20 years and more than 6 million albums into her career, jazz chanteuse/pianist Diana Krall is bowing her latest collection, Glad Rag Doll,...


Fashionable Music

For years, many a music fan has established his or her personality through musical preference, by displaying his or her favorite artists on t-shirts,...


The Eternal Quest

Where are you finding new music these days? As ever more music is entering the marketplace (that “democratization of the music industry” ...


Soundguy’s Revenge

Live sound engineers suffer for their art. The hours are long, the pay isn’t always that great, but what makes it all worthwhile are...


Strike Up The Violens

Brooklyn, NY-based Violens recently released its second album, True, on Slumberland Records, unleashing another flurry of doomy guitar pop, drenched in reverb like a...

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