Anaheim, CA (January 26, 2024)—okesound has announced its next plug-in, Bloom, which it characterizes as an adaptive tone shaper that analyzes a signal and then corrects tonal imbalances to result in a more refined sound.
Using the simple control set, the user can adjust the tone and character of a track to alter its warmth, clarity, brightness and so on. Bloom’s adjustments are said to be dynamic and context-aware, making it intuitive to use while keeping the material sounding natural.
The main control is the Amount knob; when Amount is turned up, the plug-in increasingly balances the sound. The result can work as a starting point in the mixing process, offering a quick way to even out and refine the tonal characteristics of a sound.
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Four frequency balance sliders can be used to further shape the tone to taste, enabling both fine adjustments and radical transformations. These sliders change the overall tonal balance that Bloom is working towards, rather than making absolute cuts or boosts as found in an EQ. An additional squash mode engages a form of frequency-dependent compression. Other features include attack and release controls, mid/side functionality, and low latency mode.
While Bloom is intended to accomplish much of what engineers accomplish with an EQ, it automates much of that process and is not static, instead calibrating boosts and cuts in real time to match the context of the track in that moment.
Bloom will be available soon in VST3, AU, and AAX formats.