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Voice Over There Inc. Introduces Mobile Vocal Booth

Voice Over There Inc. (V.O.T.) in Santa Clarita, Calif. has launched Southern California’s first compact and completely mobile voice-over booth/soundstage. In addition to narration and voice-over for film and television, and animation ADR, V.O.T. is also appropriate for live sporting event coverage, producing junkets, SAP (Second Audio Programming), live television and radio media tours, small musical pickups and vocal tracks, and numerous radio and corporate applications.

“The difficulty of scheduling dialog pickups and the preponderance of voice-over no-shows inspired the creation of Voice Over There,” explains company owner Amir Soleimani. “I wanted to find a cost-conscious way of accommodating talent whether they were at home, on the golf course, or on the set of another project, and be able to make their image and sound bites immediately accessible to producers, directors and editors.”

The fully soundproofed recording unit is housed inside a custom-made 7x14x8-foot, 8-inch cargo trailer. It has air-conditioning and WiFi, and is powered by a Honda Whisper generator. The 5×6-foot recording booth can comfortably accommodate two people, or one with a small musical instrument. It is Internet and printer-ready, has two microphones, an LCD monitor and a Webcam. The trailer is outfitted with recording technology including Pro Tools, Telos Xstream, Verizon wireless Internet and top-of–the-line microphones.

Clients can choose to have their media delivered on disk, via broadband wireless, or sent by ISDN directly to a production facility from nearly any Southern California area location.

For more information, visit, or contact Amir Soleimani at, or call 310/880-0241.
